Unterzeichnete Vereinbarung bzgl der #ghs


Refugee School, 1.07.2014 Berlin


We will go on with our protest on the roof and 3rd floor of the second building.

Therefor we want a list of people (handed later) to be able to go in and out freely during the construction.

This implies that the people living here will get a legalisation of the occupation with a polizeiliche Anmeldung.

We will chose together which projects will be allowed entering the school.

We will occupy the roof until all the refugees get a residence permit.

We require a written guarantee that we will not be evicted from this home until our demands are fulfilled.

The district is allowed to proceed to construction. Under the condition that the police will not use it to evict us.

All the files of the roofugees of the school shall be transferred to Berlin. The district will better support in this concern.

We will go on our nogociations with the Senate and the district. The district will offer support in the concern to negociate with the senate.

The people staying here will get the same conditions as the ones who left: money for accomodation, food and all other things.

The people will get social benefits according to AsylLG, including health insurance according to AsylLG.

The cash money will either be payed by Landesamt und Gesundheit und Soziales or the district.

The district will ensure that the money will be bayed or by LaGeSoz or the district.

The district will compensate the costs of the house (garbage, electricity, etc).

Living room:

The people can sta and live in the south wing 1th floor, 2nd floor, third floor.

They also will live in the second floor (under the aula).

They will use the aula. Projectrooms will be apart. The hole pavillion will be used for Project Rooms.

Toiletts & Showers 1st + 2nd floor of South – wing (till the next weekend)



Vereinbarung zwischen die Flüchtlingen der Gerhardt-Hauptmann-Schule
in Kreuzbergvertreten durch (Namen werden nicht veröffentlicht)

und dem Bezirksamt Friedrichshain KreuzbergVertreten durch den Stadtrat Hans Panhoff und die Stadträtin Jana Borkamp

Beide Seiten einigen sich grundsätzlich auf die 10 Punkte des Vorschlages der Flüchtlinge vom 1. Juli 2014 für die Nutzung der G.H.-Schule durch die Flüchtlinge.

Einzelheiten werden später geregelt.Die Flüchtlinge wohnen künftig nur im dritten Stock der Schule. Sie werden die Feuer-Fluchtwege in der Schule freigemachen. Eine oder zwei Vertrauenspersonen des Bezirksamtes betreten dann das Haus und überzeugen sich, daß die Zugänge frei sind.Die Schule wird renoviert. Ab Donnerstag, den 3. Juli 2014 beginnen in den unteren Etagen der Schule Entrümpelungs- und Bauarbeiten. Zunächst werden die Fenster im Parterre mit Platten gesichert.Für den weiteren Zugang der Flüchtlinge, die derzeit in der Schule sind, werden ihnen neue Ausweise ausgestellt, die sie berechtigen, die Schule zu verlassen und wieder zu betreten.Die Kontrolle am Eingang wird zunächst durch Personal eines Sicherheitsdienstes gesichert, das – soweit notwendig zur Vermeidung des Zuzuges Dritter – von Polizeibeamten unterstützt werden kann.Der Bezirk erklärt, keine Anträge für eine starfrechtliche und gerichtliche Verfolgung der Flüchtlinge wegen ihres Aufenthaltes in der Schule zu stellen.


Hans Panhoff, 2.7.2014

Jana Borkamp, 2.7.2014

1 thought on “Unterzeichnete Vereinbarung bzgl der #ghs

  1. clara

    Rough translation of a comment in ak – analyse & praxis (https://www.facebook.com/pages/ak-analyse-kritik-Zeitung-f%C3%BCr-linke-Debatte-und-Praxis/183921262475?fref=ts)

    »Now relax. But don’t relax too long, because our fight is not over.« (inhabitant, yesterday 11 pm)
    A few words about the agreement of yesterday evening

    yesterday night at 9:30 several inhabitants stepped outside the door of the school and presented the results of the negotiations with the Bezirk. Media from Berlin and outside Berlin had already reported an agreement in the afternoon. at that time, the inhabitants were still stating that there was no agreement yet.

    At 9:30 several inhabitants of the school and some politicians of the city council who were in charge of the negotiations (and Ströbele) presented the results to the media representatives. Main results are: the people can stay in a part of the building during the renovations (it will be made into an “international refugee center” – whatever that means), they will get house passes, monthly benefits according to the Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz”, and their files will be sent to Berlin.

    The school will not be evicted, the inhabitants will not be persecuted legally for the occupation of the school. The Bezirk shall support them in their ongoing fight for the residency with the Senate.(https://ohlauerinfopoint.wordpress.com/2014/07/02/transkription-der-verlesung-der-vereinbarung-mit-dem-bezirksamt)

    However, there are a few problems with this “agreement”. first: a residency, the most important demand of the inhabitants, is not included. Frank Henkel, senator of the interior, could grant it, bt doesn’t want to. Because of that it was not even part of the negotiations.
    Second, the agreement does not help all inhabitants – p.e. those who are in Germany illegally or whose requests for asylum were already turned down have nothing to be examined, not even if in a “well-intentioned way.
    Third, it is still completely unclear what will happed to those who are homeless since 9 days, those who used to live in the school but were not there at the time of the eviction. Their belongings are partly still in the school, their documents, for days they have been moving from one sleeping place to the other. What will happen to them? The original “offer” of the Bezirk? The “agreement”? Nothing?
    Four, not all inhabitants are happy with the agreement. At least two people objected to it, maybe more, that was still unclear yesterday night.

    As the agreement has some practical consequences (entrance controls, house passes, living area etc.), the question of how to push them through will arise. The Bezirk is apparently hoping for a solution like at Oranienplatz: A part of the group will enforce it against the others. The Bezirk itself is safely out, it has negotiated a result.

    an inhabitant of the school declared that people were sad about the results as there is no residency. During a phone conference from the roof to the supporters at the cormer of Ohlauer/Reichenberger Straße after the presentation feelings were mixed: relief as the acute menace of eviction had been taken back, and disappointment as there is no right of resideny. All inhabitants are extremly weakened, for days they have been sleeping not more than two hours, all the back and forth, eviction or no eviction, that was an enormous strain.

    One inhabitant thanked the supporters in tears, but also declared:
    »Now relax. But don’t relax too long, because our fight is not over.«

    The inhabitants of Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule have won the temporary right to stay in the school, they have successfully resisted the silencing and prevented an unseen ending of the fight. Once again, they have gained more attention for their demands, and they have gained great suppport and a lot of solidarity in the neighbourhood. That is something to built up on. Now we need to be alert about the implementation of the agreement (at Oranienplatz, already a few weeks later it was not worth the paper it was written on). Plus, those inhabitants who have become homeless in the last days need support. what will happen to them, is not a minor matter. And the puiblic pressure for a residency according to § 23 needs to be continued. The fight for the residency in Germany and against German and European asylum politics is nbot over at all.

    you can find out about the continuing strugghle here:

    This saturday at 2 pm, a huge demonstration starts at Hermannplatz, let’s meet there!


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